The Friends support the development & activities of Rutland County Museum and Oakham Castle, raise funds for the purchase of new exhibits and promote our fine County to residents & visitors.
We arrange lectures, visits, field trips & social events and offer the chance to assist the Museum & Castle and make new friends.
The Friends are a registered charity (No. 1109417)

Meetings Information
Monthly lectures are held in conjunction with the Rutland Local History & Record Society.  These are usually on the 2nd Thursday of the month at 7:30pm at Rutland County Museum, but occasionally arrangements vary.
See individual Events for more details.

Membership Information:

Household £10.00, Company £15.00

Contact: Judy Geer (Hon. Sec)

Postal Address : 
c/o Rutland County Museum
Catmos Street
LE15 6HW
